Cattle Gestation Chart: What is it, How to Use, and Benefits

Calculating calving dates for a single cow can be time-consuming. Doing it for an entire herd? That's a daunting task that can eat up hours of a rancher’s valuable time. Opening a calculator or performing complex math for each cow is not just tedious—it's inefficient.

This is where cattle gestation charts come in handy. These simple tools eliminate the need for repetitive calculations, allowing ranchers to quickly determine expected calving dates based on breeding times.

In this blog post, we'll explore what a cattle gestation chart is, how to use it, and why it's an invaluable asset for any cattle rancher. So put away that calculator and let's get started!

What is a cattle gestation chart?

A cattle gestation chart is a simple table designed to help ranchers, and veterinarians, predict and plan for the birth of calves based on breeding dates. The chart typically displays a correlation between the date of breeding (often called "date of service") and the expected calving date, accounting for the average gestation period of cattle, which is approximately 283 days.

These charts are structured to cover an entire year, allowing for any possible breeding date. To use this chart, you would find the breeding date in the "Date of Service" column and read across to find the corresponding "Calf Due" date. For example, if a cow is bred on Jan 1, the calf would be due on Oct 10, according to this chart.

Beef Cattle Gestational Chart - Based on 283 Days

Date of Service Calf Due Date Date of Service Calf Due Date Date of Service Calf Due Date
1-Jan 10-Oct 1-May 7-Feb 1-Sep 10-Jun
2-Jan 11-Oct 2-May 8-Feb 2-Sep 11-Jun
3-Jan 12-Oct 3-May 9-Feb 3-Sep 12-Jun
4-Jan 13-Oct 4-May 10-Feb 4-Sep 13-Jun
5-Jan 14-Oct 5-May 11-Feb 5-Sep 14-Jun
6-Jan 15-Oct 6-May 12-Feb 6-Sep 15-Jun
7-Jan 16-Oct 7-May 13-Feb 7-Sep 16-Jun
8-Jan 17-Oct 8-May 14-Feb 8-Sep 17-Jun
9-Jan 18-Oct 9-May 15-Feb 9-Sep 18-Jun
10-Jan 19-Oct 10-May 16-Feb 10-Sep 19-Jun
11-Jan 20-Oct 11-May 17-Feb 11-Sep 20-Jun
12-Jan 21-Oct 12-May 18-Feb 12-Sep 21-Jun
13-Jan 22-Oct 13-May 19-Feb 13-Sep 22-Jun
14-Jan 23-Oct 14-May 20-Feb 14-Sep 23-Jun
15-Jan 24-Oct 15-May 21-Feb 15-Sep 24-Jun
16-Jan 25-Oct 16-May 22-Feb 16-Sep 25-Jun
17-Jan 26-Oct 17-May 23-Feb 17-Sep 26-Jun
18-Jan 27-Oct 18-May 24-Feb 18-Sep 27-Jun
19-Jan 28-Oct 19-May 25-Feb 19-Sep 28-Jun
20-Jan 29-Oct 20-May 26-Feb 20-Sep 29-Jun
21-Jan 30-Oct 21-May 27-Feb 21-Sep 30-Jun
22-Jan 31-Oct 22-May 28-Feb 22-Sep 1-Jul
23-Jan 1-Nov 23-May 29-Feb 23-Sep 2-Jul
24-Jan 2-Nov 24-May 1-Mar 24-Sep 3-Jul
25-Jan 3-Nov 25-May 2-Mar 25-Sep 4-Jul
26-Jan 4-Nov 26-May 3-Mar 26-Sep 5-Jul
27-Jan 5-Nov 27-May 4-Mar 27-Sep 6-Jul
28-Jan 6-Nov 28-May 5-Mar 28-Sep 7-Jul
29-Jan 7-Nov 29-May 6-Mar 29-Sep 8-Jul
30-Jan 8-Nov 30-May 7-Mar 30-Sep 9-Jul
31-Jan 9-Nov 31-May 8-Mar    
1-Feb 10-Nov 1-Jun 9-Mar 1-Oct 10-Jul
2-Feb 11-Nov 2-Jun 10-Mar 2-Oct 11-Jul
3-Feb 12-Nov 3-Jun 11-Mar 3-Oct 12-Jul
4-Feb 13-Nov 4-Jun 12-Mar 4-Oct 13-Jul
5-Feb 14-Nov 5-Jun 13-Mar 5-Oct 14-Jul
6-Feb 15-Nov 6-Jun 14-Mar 6-Oct 15-Jul
7-Feb 16-Nov 7-Jun 15-Mar 7-Oct 16-Jul
8-Feb 17-Nov 8-Jun 16-Mar 8-Oct 17-Jul
9-Feb 18-Nov 9-Jun 17-Mar 9-Oct 18-Jul
10-Feb 19-Nov 10-Jun 18-Mar 10-Oct 19-Jul
11-Feb 20-Nov 11-Jun 19-Mar 11-Oct 20-Jul
12-Feb 21-Nov 12-Jun 20-Mar 12-Oct 21-Jul
13-Feb 22-Nov 13-Jun 21-Mar 13-Oct 22-Jul
14-Feb 23-Nov 14-Jun 22-Mar 14-Oct 23-Jul
15-Feb 24-Nov 15-Jun 23-Mar 15-Oct 24-Jul
16-Feb 25-Nov 16-Jun 24-Mar 16-Oct 25-Jul
17-Feb 26-Nov 17-Jun 25-Mar 17-Oct 26-Jul
18-Feb 27-Nov 18-Jun 26-Mar 18-Oct 27-Jul
19-Feb 28-Nov 19-Jun 27-Mar 19-Oct 28-Jul
20-Feb 29-Nov 20-Jun 28-Mar 20-Oct 29-Jul
21-Feb 30-Nov 21-Jun 29-Mar 21-Oct 30-Jul
22-Feb 1-Dec 22-Jun 30-Mar 22-Oct 31-Jul
23-Feb 2-Dec 23-Jun 31-Mar 23-Oct 1-Aug
24-Feb 3-Dec 24-Jun 1-Apr 24-Oct 2-Aug
25-Feb 4-Dec 25-Jun 2-Apr 25-Oct 3-Aug
26-Feb 5-Dec 26-Jun 3-Apr 26-Oct 4-Aug
27-Feb 6-Dec 27-Jun 4-Apr 27-Oct 5-Aug
28-Feb 7-Dec 28-Jun 5-Apr 28-Oct 6-Aug
    29-Jun 6-Apr 29-Oct 7-Aug
    30-Jun 7-Apr 30-Oct 8-Aug
        31-Oct 9-Aug
Date of Service Calf Due Date Date of Service Calf Due Date Date of Service Calf Due Date
1-Mar 8-Dec 1-Jul 9-Apr 1-Nov 10-Aug
2-Mar 9-Dec 2-Jul 10-Apr 2-Nov 11-Aug
3-Mar 10-Dec 3-Jul 11-Apr 3-Nov 12-Aug
4-Mar 11-Dec 4-Jul 12-Apr 4-Nov 13-Aug
5-Mar 12-Dec 5-Jul 13-Apr 5-Nov 14-Aug
6-Mar 13-Dec 6-Jul 14-Apr 6-Nov 15-Aug
7-Mar 14-Dec 7-Jul 15-Apr 7-Nov 16-Aug
8-Mar 15-Dec 8-Jul 16-Apr 8-Nov 17-Aug
9-Mar 16-Dec 9-Jul 17-Apr 9-Nov 18-Aug
10-Mar 17-Dec 10-Jul 18-Apr 10-Nov 19-Aug
11-Mar 18-Dec 11-Jul 19-Apr 11-Nov 20-Aug
12-Mar 19-Dec 12-Jul 20-Apr 12-Nov 21-Aug
13-Mar 20-Dec 13-Jul 21-Apr 13-Nov 22-Aug
14-Mar 21-Dec 14-Jul 22-Apr 14-Nov 23-Aug
15-Mar 22-Dec 15-Jul 23-Apr 15-Nov 24-Aug
16-Mar 23-Dec 16-Jul 24-Apr 16-Nov 25-Aug
17-Mar 24-Dec 17-Jul 25-Apr 17-Nov 26-Aug
18-Mar 25-Dec 18-Jul 26-Apr 18-Nov 27-Aug
19-Mar 26-Dec 19-Jul 27-Apr 19-Nov 28-Aug
20-Mar 27-Dec 20-Jul 28-Apr 20-Nov 29-Aug
21-Mar 28-Dec 21-Jul 29-Apr 21-Nov 30-Aug
22-Mar 29-Dec 22-Jul 30-Apr 22-Nov 31-Aug
23-Mar 30-Dec 23-Jul 1-May 23-Nov 1-Sep
24-Mar 31-Dec 24-Jul 2-May 24-Nov 2-Sep
25-Mar 1-Jan 25-Jul 3-May 25-Nov 3-Sep
26-Mar 2-Jan 26-Jul 4-May 26-Nov 4-Sep
27-Mar 3-Jan 27-Jul 5-May 27-Nov 5-Sep
28-Mar 4-Jan 28-Jul 6-May 28-Nov 6-Sep
29-Mar 5-Jan 29-Jul 7-May 29-Nov 7-Sep
30-Mar 6-Jan 30-Jul 8-May 30-Nov 8-Sep
31-Mar 7-Jan 31-Jul 9-May    
1-Apr 8-Jan 1-Aug 10-May 1-Dec 9-Sep
2-Apr 9-Jan 2-Aug 11-May 2-Dec 10-Sep
3-Apr 10-Jan 3-Aug 12-May 3-Dec 11-Sep
4-Apr 11-Jan 4-Aug 13-May 4-Dec 12-Sep
5-Apr 12-Jan 5-Aug 14-May 5-Dec 13-Sep
6-Apr 13-Jan 6-Aug 15-May 6-Dec 14-Sep
7-Apr 14-Jan 7-Aug 16-May 7-Dec 15-Sep
8-Apr 15-Jan 8-Aug 17-May 8-Dec 16-Sep
9-Apr 16-Jan 9-Aug 18-May 9-Dec 17-Sep
10-Apr 17-Jan 10-Aug 19-May 10-Dec 18-Sep
11-Apr 18-Jan 11-Aug 20-May 11-Dec 19-Sep
12-Apr 19-Jan 12-Aug 21-May 12-Dec 20-Sep
13-Apr 20-Jan 13-Aug 22-May 13-Dec 21-Sep
14-Apr 21-Jan 14-Aug 23-May 14-Dec 22-Sep
15-Apr 22-Jan 15-Aug 24-May 15-Dec 23-Sep
16-Apr 23-Jan 16-Aug 25-May 16-Dec 24-Sep
17-Apr 24-Jan 17-Aug 26-May 17-Dec 25-Sep
18-Apr 25-Jan 18-Aug 27-May 18-Dec 26-Sep
19-Apr 26-Jan 19-Aug 28-May 19-Dec 27-Sep
20-Apr 27-Jan 20-Aug 29-May 20-Dec 28-Sep
21-Apr 28-Jan 21-Aug 30-May 21-Dec 29-Sep
22-Apr 29-Jan 22-Aug 31-May 22-Dec 30-Sep
23-Apr 30-Jan 23-Aug 1-Jun 23-Dec 1-Oct
24-Apr 31-Jan 24-Aug 2-Jun 24-Dec 2-Oct
25-Apr 1-Feb 25-Aug 3-Jun 25-Dec 3-Oct
26-Apr 2-Feb 26-Aug 4-Jun 26-Dec 4-Oct
27-Apr 3-Feb 27-Aug 5-Jun 27-Dec 5-Oct
28-Apr 4-Feb 28-Aug 6-Jun 28-Dec 6-Oct
29-Apr 5-Feb 29-Aug 7-Jun 29-Dec 7-Oct
30-Apr 6-Feb 30-Aug 8-Jun 30-Dec 8-Oct
    31-Aug 9-Jun 31-Dec 9-Oct


Not an exact science

The chart is based on a 283-day gestation period. But in reality, gestation periods for cows can range from about 279 to 287 days.

This means the chart provides a good average, but individual cows might calve a few days earlier or later than the predicted date. Experienced ranchers often know this and keep an eye on their cows for signs of labor starting a bit before or after the predicted date.

Some factors that can affect gestation length include:

  • The breed of cattle
  • Whether it's a bull or heifer calf (bull calves often have slightly longer gestation)
  • The age and health of the mother cow

So while the chart is a very useful tool, it's not an exact science. ranchers still rely on their experience and observation skills alongside this handy guide.

Accounting for leap years

The cattle gestation chart is designed to account for leap years without explicitly mentioning them. If you look closely, you'll see that the chart stops at February 28 and then continues to March 1, with no February 29 listed.

This design choice allows the chart to be accurate for both regular and leap years. In a non-leap year, it works as is. In a leap year, ranchers simply need to add one day to all the dates from March 1 onward.

Cattle gestation charts come in various formats, from simple printed tables to more advanced digital tools. Regardless of the format, their primary function remains the same: to tell you when the calf is due.

Benefits of cattle gestation charts


There are three main benefits of the cattle gestation chart:

  1. Easy Date Finding: The biggest help of this chart is that it does the math for you. You just need to know when the cow was bred. Find that date on the chart, and it shows you when the calf will likely be born. No need to count days or use a calculator. It's quick and simple.
  2. Planning Ahead: Knowing when calves will be born helps ranchers plan. They can get ready for busy times. For example, they might need extra help when lots of calves are due. Or they can make sure they have enough space ready for new calves. The chart doesn't do the work, but it tells ranchers when to be prepared.
  3. Feeding Guide: The chart can remind ranchers when cows might need different food. Cows need more food near the end of pregnancy. By looking at the due date, ranchers know when to start giving more food. The chart doesn't tell what food to give, but it shows when changes might be needed.

Remember, the chart just gives dates. It's up to the rancher to use this information to take care of the cows and plan the work. The main help is saving time on figuring out dates, which makes other jobs easier to plan.

Use it for reverse planning

One interesting aspect of this cattle gestation chart that you might not know is its versatility in reverse planning. While most people use it to find the calving date based on the breeding date, you can also use it backward.

If you have a specific time they want calves to be born — maybe to match good weather or market conditions — they can start with the desired calving date and work backward to figure out when to breed the cows. For example, if you want calves born in early April for spring grazing, they can look at the April dates in the "Calf Due" column and then read across to find the corresponding breeding dates in the previous year's June or July.

This reverse use can be really helpful for planning breeding seasons and managing the timing of the herd's reproductive cycle. It's a simple feature, but it adds flexibility to how ranchers can use the chart to plan their operations.

A tool to keep record of calf due dates and other data

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While cattle gestation charts are undoubtedly useful, modern ranchers need comprehensive solutions for efficient ranch management. This is where CattleMax comes in.

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