Complete Cattle Records with CattleMax
Accurate and up-to-date cattle inventory
The groups feature in CattleMax allows you to sort animals based on specific criteria that matters to you. These groups will give you an accurate and up to date inventory of your ranch for your use, no matter where you are.

Complete Herd Health Records
Storing your health records in CattleMax helps to ensure you are up to date on all things related to your animals health. The reports feature in CattleMax shows you the big picture of your herds health to assist you in decision making.

Automated breeding and pregnancy data
Using CattleMax to track breedings and pregnancy data ensures that you will have a good idea of your herd’s status. Through CattleMax, you can track anything related to breeding and pregnancy including heat cycles, AI, pregnancy checks, natural service breedings, embryo transfers, production status, calving history, and more!

Time-saving Calving entry
Using a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet, you are able to record calving in the pasture and on the go. This eliminates room for error by adding records on spot and not from memory later in the day. Groups of new animals can be added into CattleMax through the spreadsheet import function or manually.

Group-based Weaning
CattleMax allows you to wean groups of cattle and eliminates the time consuming process of selecting one animal at a time. The data recorded at weaning like weights, are used to produce useful information like Average Daily Gain and more performance numbers.

Reports and Worksheets
Reports and worksheets in CattleMax allow you to not only see your operations broken down in terms of production, but also help you put that data to work. Worksheets give you the ability to collect the information you need when cell service is not available.

Breed Association Interfaces
Using the registered version of CattleMax allows you to import pedigrees and EPD’s from the breed associations for easy setup. You can also set your account under a specific breed interface to allow for easier data entry.