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Adjusted Yearling Weight (365 day)

As you gather data to compare different animals within your herd, their adjusted yearling weight will be an important metric.

Many different environmental factors — including breed, nutrition, and more can impact an animal’s weight. Adjusted yearling weight allows for more accurate comparisons by minimizing those effects and standardizing the measurement to a typical animal.

Adjusted Yearling Weight Calculator (365 day)
Adjusted 365 Day Yearling Weight (in lbs):20

How is yearling weight measured?

An adjusted 365-day yearling weight uses the actual yearling weight, and standardizes it to a 365-day animal age, according to Beef Improvement Federation guidelines.

Yearling weights should be measured on a precise scale — either digital or mechanical. Don’t just estimate the weight, or round to the nearest five-pound increment.

Make sure not to take the yearling weight measurement too soon after weaning. This might mean the animal is missing out on more post-weaning growth. Allowing enough time also ensures that trait productivity data is as accurate as possible.

The typical time between weaning and yearling weight should be about 160 days.

What is the formula for adjusted yearling weight?

Adjusted yearling weight = ((actual yearling weight – actual weaning weight) ÷ (Number of days between measure ages)) x 160 + 205-day adjusted weaning weight

How much do yearling cattle weigh?

Yearling cattle will usually weigh between 600 and 800 pounds. 

To calculate adjusted yearling weight for members of your herd, use the calculator above.