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Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA)

For producers who want to optimize their herds, making the right breeding decisions is critical. One key piece of data that can boost that decision-making is your cattle’s most probable producing ability.

Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) Calculator

What is MPPA in cattle?

MPPA stands for the Most Probable Producing Ability of an animal.


This metric helps producers estimate an animal’s future performance and make decisions about trait selection. It’s an indicator of the animal’s superiority or inferiority for a repeatable trait based on its history compared to the other animals within its contemporary group.


Having this data can also help producers decide when to cull certain animals that aren’t producing at a level comparable to other animals within its contemporary group.

You should always use MPPA as a complement to other metrics to make final decisions.

What is the formula for most probable producing ability?

Calculating most probable producing ability within cattle is slightly more complicated than other metrics, like adjusted weaning weight or frame score.

MPPA = Herd average + (nr/1 + (n – 1) r) (Individual cow average – Herd average)

N = number of records

R = repeatability of the trait 

Use the most probable producing ability calculator above to gather the data you need to make the best possible breeding decisions at your operation.

The average weaning weight ratio tells you how a calf’s weight compares to its herdmates. Click here to learn how to calculate Adjusted Weaning Weight (205 day)